Part-Time and Work-Study Jobs
Part-time Jobs
Working part time during the academic year offers many benefits to students. In addition to earning money, part-time work enables you to:
- Develop new skills (including time management)
- Form personal and professional relationships
- Discover new interests
- Explore career options
- Boost your resume
Here, we answer some frequently asked questions about part-time jobs.
Yes! A variety of part-time jobs, both on- and off-campus, are available for students. Employers on campus and in the Brookings community rely on students to help fill their workforce needs, and most offer flexible work hours to accommodate students’ academic schedules.
- Handshake, offered by the SDSU Office of Career Development is the first place students should look for part-time jobs. You will need to use your MyState username and password to access Handshake. Be sure to log in using the South Dakota State University Sign On blue box. If you need help, email Career Development.
- SDWorks, offered by the South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation (SDDLR).
No. Not all employers post their jobs online. If you’d like to work for a certain campus department, contact that department to ask about openings. If you’re interested in working for a particular Brookings business, check out the company’s website or contact them to inquire about openings. If they don’t have current openings, ask if you can fill out an application to keep on file.
Some tips we can share are:
- Summer is a good time to start your search for fall semester employment. Some employers will post their fall semester jobs in early summer, but the majority will begin to post them in mid- to late July. Postings will increase during August and the first month of fall semester. Therefore, check the online job sites regularly.
- Incoming students can take advantage of New Student Orientation to connect with potential employers. The NSO Resource Fair is an opportunity to talk with several campus departments that might be hiring.
- If you have accepted a Federal Work-Study award, be sure to share that with prospective employers.
- Have a copy of your class and extracurricular schedule available to share with prospective employers so they can see when you are available to work.
Email the Career Development Office can help answer your questions. You can also schedule an appointment on Handshake or stop in during drop-in hours:
Tuesdays: Noon – 2pm
Wednesdays: 11am – 1pm
Thursdays: 10am – Noon
There are many factors to consider when searching for a part-time job. One is the number of hours you work each week. Over the years, studies have shown that students who work no more than 20 hours per week during the academic year perform better academically and become more engaged in their university experience. Some other considerations are:
- your class and extracurricular schedule;
- schedule and flexibility of job;
- hourly wage;
- skills you can develop in the job;
- your interests (but be open to trying new things);
- on- or off-campus preference;
- proximity to campus/home;
- and transportation. (If you’re not bringing a vehicle to campus, know that Brookings is a bicycle-friendly community and offers public transportation via Brookings Area Transit Authority)
Yes. You will need to provide required documents to your employer before you are able to start your job.
Two forms of ID*. Choose from:
- One of these:
- Valid driver’s license
- School ID (must have picture)
- Current unexpired U.S. passport
- AND one of these:
- Social Security Card (must be original – not a copy)
- Certified birth certificate (must be original – not a copy)
- Bank account information. You will need the Routing number and the Account number of either a Savings or Checking account or a blank voided check. This is needed to set up Direct Deposit of your earnings. Direct Deposit is required on campus and by many other employers.
- Also, be prepared to complete new employee forms, including includes, W-4 and I-9 federal forms.
Work-Study Jobs
Here, we answer some frequently asked questions about Work-Study jobs.
Some jobs will indicate that they are available only to students who have been awarded Federal Work-Study by the Financial Aid Office. Work-Study funds are a form of federal financial aid; eligibility is based on the student’s FAFSA. Read more about Work-Study.
Check your Financial Aid award notification or contact the SDSU Financial Aid Office at 605-688-4695
Work-Study funds are earned through hours worked, just like any other job. Your earnings are paid to you through a paycheck. Unlike other types of financial aid, Work-Study funds are not applied directly to your tuition and fee bill.
Wednesday, Sept 4, 2022 | 1-4 p.m.
Volstorff Ballroom, University Student Union.